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Oak House News 17.9.20


It’s now only 99 days to Christmas, which makes you wonder where 2020 has disappeared to! We are taking orders already for the festive season and recommend placing an early order, particularly if you have very specific requirements. Alongside our full range of beef, pork, lamb and bacon, we will have our home grown chickens from 3-6kg dressed weight, which proved very popular last year. Grain We grow both wheat and barley on the farm. Quite a lot of these cereal grains are milled on the farm and fed to our livestock. However, we do produce a surplus, which is sold via a grain trader to a variety of purchasers. Our grain, like most produced in the UK, is Red Tractor assured and each consignment carries with it a ‘passport’ to guarantee its origin. Earlier this week we loaded a load of wheat destined for a feed mill at Bury St. Edmunds. Each lorry carries around 29 tonnes. The price for wheat has increased a bit recently to around £170 per tonne, which makes up for some of the shortfall in the yield that we experienced this harvest. As well as going to local mills, quite a lot of grain produced in East Anglia is exported to other countries through the UK’s largest grain terminal at Ipswich. Last year we sold some barley that ended up in Egypt. Unusually, this year, the UK will be a net importer of wheat due to the reduced quantity grown in the UK, but we will still be exporting barley (Brexit allowing). Profile: Fred Fred was the first Large White sow that we purchased to join our existing herd of Gloucestershire Old Spots. Named after the first sow that we had on the farm some 30 years ago (herself a Large White cross), Fred had a litter of piglets last week and is currently in our farrowing accommodation looking after her piglets. Opening Times  Wednesday 9am - 3pm  Friday 9am - 5pm  Saturday 10am - 4pm Please observe our C-19 precautions in the shop.


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